Friday, November 13, 2009

Prezi language

Sorry for the delay in my lab post from last Friday. I came in a bit late, missing part of the initial talk/presentation by a guest speaker with the Engineering department at USC. Basically, he discussed the role of presentations in academia, specifically outlining the use of Power Point in Science related fields. The Q&A after the presentation posed some thoughtful responses and observations in looking at the role of performativity in presentations (especially Power Point work), and the comparisons in performance styles at the recent UCLA conference.

Steve’s portion of the workshop focused more so on alternative presenting programs, including Diigo, Vouvox, Slidesahre, Wordle and Prezi. The actual “hands-on” portion of the workshop involved a tutorial of Prezi and it’s basic format as a collection of research materials/ideas. Prezi has a free trial service, which I’ve been toying with over the past couple of days. There are also varying membership prices and options (which look kinda expensive). However, I can’t say that I completely understand the rhetoric involved in making a presentation with Prezi (lots of functions, different types of mapping). The tutorial allows you to play with text, moving your work along a grip (which can become a miniscule dot if you scroll out far enough- you also can “lose” it in this case). Perhaps in reflecting on this week’s readings and topic surrounding the archive and research, the use of a tool like Prezi opens up a rich visual discussion in both the active role of memory, and movement of objects in the audiences’ ability to receive and retain information. I’m curious as to what a “finished” presentation product would look like- perhaps I will have something to show soon enough.

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